June News

Church_news Community_news

Annual Village Clear Up/Working Party took place on Saturday morning May28th. Approx. 14 Villagers attended. (On retrospective…maybe faulty memory… head count) among whom were John & Thea Carney plus 2 children “Iggy “(Francis) & Brough who it was very good to welcome the Village; they have moved into Lycaena, Roy & Rita’s previous house (w/es only at the moment until such time as building alterations are completed). It is always an enjoyable social occasional and while much was achieved some “stuff” remains outstanding. i.e gutter clearance and cleaning of area between Vestry & Nave roof. (Regrettably, in the absence of Toby Blythe, no one was young enough/able enough/brave enough to tackle these on a ladder.). Also we ran out of time. We are indebted to Janet & Judith for providing tea/coffee/cakes for the “elevenses” break.

Future Village Events. Queen’s Birthday Celebrations. Sunday June 5th On the Common 1.30 onwards. BYO Picnic etc plus Rugs, chairs. Tables from Village Hall (Pick up & Return).

Quiz. Following the success of Last year’s Quiz…. and the memorable performance of Quiz Master Ian Phipps, it is proposed to hold another Village Quiz in October…around Halloween. Date TBA. (Watch this space).

Village AGM. The annual Village AGM was held in the Village Hall on Thursday 26thMay… at which many current Village matters were discussed; it was attended by 27 Villagers. We are indebted once again to David Hewitt for chairing it most efficiently and for the subsequent comprehensive set of Minutes. The meeting was followed by the customarysocial get-together and drinks .

Church Schedule.

5th June 11.00 a.m Holy Communion. Rev Phillip Smith. Banns for Christopher​​​​​​​​ Scott/Megan Beattie

12th June 11.0 a.m​ Morning Prayer(BCP). Lay Led. Banns for Scott & Beattie

19th June 11.00 a.m​ Holy Communion. Rev Philip Smith. Banns for Scott/Beattie

26th June 11.00 a.m​ Holy Communion. Rev Mark Ackford

NB. Please note that the normal 1st Tuesday of the month tea/coffee /chat will be onTuesday 14th June …not the 7th…on account of Jubilee w/e etc