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The Church of St. Mary Le Moor – July Services & Events ​

Sunday 7th July 11.00 a.m.​​Holy Communion​​​Rev. Philip Smith

Sunday 14th July 11.00 a.m.​​Holy Communion​​​Rev. Peter Viney

Sunday 21st July 11.00 a.m. ​​Holy Communion​​​Rev. Philip Smith

Sunday 28th July 11.00 a.m.​​Holy Communion​​​Rev. Mark Ackford

Church Events

The 14th June Sepia Tone Folk Concert raised £481 for the Nave Roof Fund. Our thanks go again to Tanya Sims, Jan Sharpe and Bea Taylor for all their efforts to put on yet another successful event.

The Nave Roof - the third of the bat survey visits was completed last week. The two ecologists reported that they saw bats emerging on Thursday night so we await their full report on their findings.

Future Church Events

Tues 2nd July 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. - Coffee and Chat and Bring-and-Buy in the Church.

Friday 6th September – Gerard Cousins plays his unique brand of classical guitar at the Church at St. Mary-Le-Moor in aid of the Nave Roof Fund. A classical guitar concert with a difference with his unique guitar arrangements, his own compositions and sense of improvisation with audience interaction ( ).

Tickets (including wine, soft drinks and nibbles before and in the interval and raffle), are £15, available via Tanya Sims via [email protected] or 07804946236. Payment details: BACS : Cadmore End PCC (or St Mary le Moor Church); Sort code: 30-94-28 Account: 01432358.

Other activities

Wednesday 12th June – village track pot hole filling along the track completed. As ever, our thanks go to Peter Jennings for organising this on behalf of the village. If you haven't yet paid your track subscriptions, please do so to Michelle asap.

Saturday 22nd June - LEPC's contractor cut all the commons throughout the village.

Monday 24th June – not for the first time, David Hewitt spent a couple of hours clearing the overgrown public footpath running down past Rackley's Farm. Douglas Brown will shortly attempt (carefully) to clearing the overgrown path which leads down to the Marlow Road, opposite the post box. If you see any other footpaths blocked by vegetation, please either report it or, if you are able, see what you can do to clear it yourself.

Thursday 4th July (Election Day) - the Community Payback personnel are due to return to the Village Hall to start painting the outside windows.

Friday 5th July p.m. - the Cadmore End C of E Combined School Sports Day will take place on the cricket pitch.

Saturday 20th July 1.30 p.m. - Wedding of Ray Hanson and Anna Gray (Yvonne Hanson’s son).

Planning - Cricket Field – unfortunately, there is still nothing further to report on the cricket pitch planning application.

Community Matters Foodbank, Trinity Church, Lane End – our next monthly delivery is on Thursday 18th July. Please leave donations in the church or church porch on the Wednesday before or by 10 a.m. on the Thursday. The latest message from Barbara Ewing and Lucy Smith (Community Matters organisers): “Over the last 3 days we have given out food (and for some, much needed cash and listening ears) to 22 Lane End families. Thank you all again for the absolutely wonderful donations of food and toiletries. We contributed to the cost of a mattress for one who since a long operation was sleeping in a chair since his current mattress had became unusable and painful. We also paid for lunches for a young nursery child who was not eligible for free meals but will be able to receive this in September. Your generosity is so appreciated”.

David Lane’s funeral, held at Amersham Crematorium on Monday 17th June, was extremely well attended with many going on to the Compleat Angler to celebrate his life. Sue thanks you all for the many kind messages, cards and letters that she has received.