The Church of St. Mary Le Moor – January Services[ALL CHURCH SERVICES & EVENTS WILL BE HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]Sunday 5th January 11.00a.m.Holy CommunionRev. Philip Smith Sunday 12th January 11.00a.m.Holy CommunionRev. Lucy AustinSunday 19th January 11.00 a.m. Holy CommunionRev. Peter VineySunday 26th January 11.00 a.m.Holy CommunionRev. Mark AckfordChurch EventsTuesday 7th January 10.30am to noonCoffee & Chat + Bring & Buy in the Village HallCadmore End C of E School provided early Christmas cheer with their choir singing Christmas songs at Rackleys and at the December Coffee Chat morning in the Village Hall. These and their Nativity play “Prickly Hay”, much appreciated.The Carol Singers turned out for three evenings in all weathers and raised £430 for the Christian Aid Charity. The Christmas Eve house to house singing around Cadmore End has been done every year for 50 + years. We thank them for the joy they bring to each house.Other activities - The Nave Roof Project – Progress has been good despite some inclement weather. The extent of timber replacement and masonry repairs has proved to be less than originally considered necessary. Subject to unforeseen events, it is hoped that the church will re-open by the start of March. Until then, as before, expect construction vehicles to be parked by the Lych Gate during working hours 07.30 – 16.30h (weekend working not expected).Funding for Cadmore End - Lane End Parish Council (‘LEPC’) has recently announced that it welcomes ‘Parish-based organisations seeking funding for projects that are meaningful and would benefit the community’. Cadmore End has submitted Expressions of Interest in respect of both the restoration of the church nave roof and the upgrading of the village hall toilets and kitchen. The funds will come from the anticipated sale by LEPC to Nicholas King Homes Ltd. who on 20 December received planning approval from Buckinghamshire Council for their proposed development of 26 new homes on Chalkyfield, Marlow Road*.[* Buckinghamshire Council planning portal ref. no. 21/007121/FUL]Community Matters Foodbank, Trinity Church, Lane End – following the pre-Christmas delivery from Cadmore End, the Community Matters Team wrote thanking us immensely for our support. Because of the huge amount of beautiful Christmas donations as well as generous gifts of money, they had enough wonderful and useful items from all the surrounding churches to give a very generous Christmas food donation to each of 24 Lane End families/households (including 45 children).Our next delivery is on Thursday16th January. Please leave donations in the porch at Picket House, Cadmore End on Wednesday 15th or by 10am on the 16th.
[ALL CHURCH SERVICES & EVENTS WILL BE HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]The Church of St. Mary Le Moor – November Services & Events 3rd November (All Souls) 11.00a.m.Holy CommunionRev. Philip Smith Sunday 10th November 10.45 a.m.Remembrance Sunday Service *Rev. Lucy AustinSunday 17th November 11.00 a.m. Holy CommunionRev. Peter VineySunday24th November 11.00 a.m.Holy Communion Rev. Mark Ackford* We will join the rest of the nation with a minute’s silence at 11am.The service will be followed by refreshments.Church EventsThe Nave Roof Project - the church continues to fundraise for the shortfall of additional £20,000. Erection of the scaffolding is scheduled to be completed in early November. Expect construction vehicles to be parked by the Lych Gate during working hours 07.30 – 16.30h (weekend working not expected) until February 2025.Tuesday 5th November 10.30am to noonCoffee & ChatSaturday 16th November 1.00 p.m. to 4 p.m.Cadmore End Social History at Cadmore End Hall (includes refreshments). The Speakers will be:Mr. Andrew McTavish - Mrs James and beginnings of the ‘baby welfare groups’;Mr Richard Bates - local families and the history of Cadmore Post Offices (Ayer’s and Trendall’s)Mrs Nora Hayes - the old magazines. Friday0 6th December 7.30 for 8.00 p.m. - Concert by The Marlow Ukele Group at Cadmore End Hall. There will be a donations bar for wine & soft drinks both before and during the interval (in aid of the Nave Roof and Hall funds) as well as a raffle. Tickets at £15 (including a drink and nibbles) are available via BACS : Cadmore End PCC (or St Mary le Moor; Church - Sort code: 30-94-28; Account no. 01432358 or through Tanya Sims tanya_sims@icloud.comOther activities - Commons grass cutting – the second and final cut of the year was completed on 10th October by Lane End Parish Council’s contractors. The Annual MacMillan Support Coffee Morning held at Picket House on Friday 4th October raised £510.80 thanks to the generosity of those who participated.Cricket Field – The Church’s land agent has arranged with the cricket club treasurer to see a copy of the contract between the club and the ground works company, who are removing the soil, to ensure that muck away removal is included. The club representative also expressed the club’s keenness that the matter is sorted out before Christmas.Community Matters Foodbank, Trinity Church, Lane End – our next monthly delivery is on Thursday 14thNovember. Please leave donations under the porch by the front door at Picket House, Cadmore End on Wednesday 13thor by 10 a.m. on Thursday 14th. Last month was a ‘bumper’ month for Cadmore End’s contributions which were particularly well received by Barbara Ewing and Lucy Smith (Community Matters organisers). Items particularly requested include; UHT milk (preferably semi-skimmed), fruit juices and sugar-free squash, coffee and (even at this early stage) boxes/tins/cannisters of Christmas chocolates.
Church Services in the Church Sun 6th October 11am Harvest Festival including Holy Communion-Rev Mark Ackford, with Organist Gill Green with traditional Harvest Hymns. The service is followed by Harvest Festival Lunch in the Village Hall (booking details below). The harvest produce will be given to The One Can Trust, High Wycombe who take Fresh Fruit and Veg as well as cans). The Harvest Festival Lunch will be a two course meal of cottage pie followed by fruit crumble. All dietary needs catered for if you let us know. Book tickets through Tanya at Badgers ( Tickets £10pp and please bring own drinks. Glasses Provided. Services in The Village Hall (Whilst the Nave Roof is being retiled 7th October 2024to 21st February 2025) Sun 13th October 11am Holy Communion-Rev Lucy Austin Sun 20th October 11am Holy Communion-Rev Peter Viney Sun 27th October 11am Holy Communion-Rev Philip Smith (Bible Sunday) Future Events Tues 1st October Coffee & Chat + Bring & Buy in Church 10.30am to Noon Fri 4th October Annual MacMillan Support Coffee Morning at Picket House 10.30am to 1pm Fri 6th December Concert in Cadmore End Village Hall 7.30 for 8p£15, available via Tanya Sims via tanya_sims@icloud.comm by the Marlow Ukulele Group. Tickets £15 (including a drink and nibbles). A dona9on for wine and so< drinks before and in the interval in aid of the Nave Roof and Hall Funds. Tickets from or 07804 946346. This group always gives us a jolly evening with popular music and singing. Community Ma,ers, Lane End Food Bank and Support Team- Message from the team sent “Thanks to all at Cadmore End Church and village for the very generous donations in September. We saw each of our foodbank families for 45 minutes. They all come in separately at an appointed time and not only choose their food and toiletries but also to sit with Community Matters and talk about their lives. They all received an abundant amount of food for the next month and we could give a few of them some financial help with urgent matters. Also. Ann Duthie, whom you all know, is now a permanent member of our Community Matters team. We are blessed to have her now supporting us at each monthly foodbank. Our next monthly delivery is on Thursday 17th October. Please leave donations in ??
The Church of St. Mary Le Moor – September Services 1st September 11.00 a.m.Holy CommunionRev. Philip SmithSunday 8th September 11.00 a.m.Holy Communion – Patronal FestivalRev. Lucy AustinSunday 15th September 11.00 a.m.Holy Communion incl. baptism of Finley ThomasRev. Peter VineySunday 22nd t September 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion led byRev. Mark Ackfordpreaching by Licenced Lay Minister Judy TaylorSunday 29th September 10.30 a.m.Rural SundaySunday 6th October Harvest Festival Services11.00 a.m. with Communion with organistRev. Mark Ackfordfollowed by lunch in the hall (cottage pie** & veg + crumble** (£10).for tickets and/or volunteer cooks* please contact tanya_sims@icloud.com6.00 p.m.Evensong Rev. Mark AckfordSunday 10th November 10.45 a.m.Remembrance Sunday Service followed by refreshmentsChurch EventsThe Nave Roof Project - a big step forward – a contract for the re-tiling of the Nave Roof has been signed with the planned start date of 7th October 2024 and completion date 21st February 2025. The work is being carried out by Ward and Co who successfully completed the chancel roof contract. An explanatory note to village residents covering the plans for the delivery/storage of materials and an outline of the work will be sent in September. It is expected that church services will continue as normal, probably in the Chancel.Future Church eventsTues 3rd September 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. - Coffee and Chat and Bring-and-Buy in the Church.Friday 6th September Church Concert - After talking it over with Nora Hayes, we have decided to cancel the concert. Sadly, not enough tickets have been sold for it and it would run at a considerable loss. The intention and aims being that funds our raised for the Nave Roof project as all the our previous concerts have done in 2022/23. Sat 14th September Sponsored Ride and Stride for Bucks Historic Churches Trust. We have been awarded a grant of £9,000 from this charity for the Nave Roof. Cadmore End Church will be open from 10.00 a.m. to 2 p.m. for refreshments (incl. homemade cake which continues to attract cyclists from Marlow). Do pop in to sponsor/encourage our “church greeters”. For sponsor forms and details of participating local churches of see activitiesBryan Edgley’s Funeral was held on the 12th August at Holy Trinity Church, Lane End and was attended by about 450 people. It was also a memorial service for Alison Edgley whose ashes were buried with him. The family gave moving tributes, granddaughter Izzy Edgley sang Que Sera Sera and the Reverend Mark Ackford gave a reflection highlighting Bryan’s support and leadership to the local communities in Lane End and Cadmore End. The drinks and refreshments in the Village Hall after the service were much appreciated. There are tributes to him in the Autumn Clarion which has just been distributed reflecting the respect we all had for him.Annual McMillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning at Picket House on Friday 4th October 10.30 a.m. - 1 p.m.Community Matters Foodbank, Trinity Church, Lane End – our next monthly delivery is on Thursday 19th July. Please leave donations in the church or church porch on the Wednesday before or by 10 a.m. on the Thursday. The latest message from Barbara Ewing and Lucy Smith (Community Matters organisers): “Thank you for the heap of beautiful and useful Community Matters donations. Lucy Smith and I counted up the number of Lane Enders who are in receipt of our foodbank donations and it amounted to 80 people! So you can easily understand these items are so much needed, especially during school holidays. Once more you gave us several bags of tins, squash, pasta, toiletries, fresh bread, butter, cooked meats for sandwiches and fruit...and much more. We were also able this month to give some money towards school uniforms. Most of our families get free items from various sources but a big problem for all of them is we were able to help them with these purchases. Thank you again for all your gifts to our foodbank”.