Facilities and features
Available for use when the church building is in use during services and for events and concerts.
Available for use when the church building is in use during services and for concerts and events.
Car Parking is available close by. It is also possible to drop off.
Available for use during services, events and concerts.
As well as informal parking, there is access on Sundays to a local school car park within 100m
A ramp into church can be arranged quickly and easily
Assistance Dogs are very welcome
This is available
Our Building
Our church is open every day.
Our church is heated
Dating back to Norman times, this is a small church steeped in history
Music and Worship
With 10 bells, our bell tower is well renowned with a strong history of bellringing.
We are an active church
Services are accompanied by the organ
Each month we hold an 8am communion service which uses BCP in addition to our weekly 10am service and bi-monthly Evensong
Groups, Courses and Activities
This is offered
There are several home groups
Thriving in Appleton
This is offered
There are many and varied in a very friendly, active community
We participate and cooperate with the village community focused support and events
Thriving in Appleton
In Appleton
Local Evergreen Club
Available in Appleton
Available in Appleton
Help for Visitors
Available in church
Available in church
Our church is open every day
Other Features
We support Fairtrade
We support our local Foodbank
Up to date streaming and audio-visual facilities