St Mary Magdalene's, Pulham Market

“The heartbeat of our community”

Our vision is to put Jesus at the centre of our churches, communities and lives: making the new life he offers the heartbeat of our life together.

Worship with us every Sunday at 9.30am*
*2nd Sundays we meet at the Methodist Hall for Messy Church.

Our beautiful church is usually open for visitors daily.

Give Now via the Parish Giving Scheme

Support our Ministry and Mission

Get in touch

Julie Woolterton

Benefice Office,
Church Rooms,
The Street,

Benefice Administrator
01379 741 994

Our website

What's on

Pancake Celebration

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary the Virgin, Pulham St Mary
The Street Pulham St. Mary Diss, IP21 4RD, United Kingdom

Join us to celebrate Shrove Tuesday at Pulham St Mary Church. There will be crafts and stories about the origin of pancakes, alongside cooking, tossing and eating delicious sizzling pancakes. What is your favourite topping?!

Everyday faith

Discover how we can support you to find and follow God in your everyday life.

Services in the Benefice from Lent 5 (Passiontide) to Low Sunday, including Holy Week and Easter.