Facilities and features
Includes an Accessible Toilet
There are facilities for baby changing in disabled toilets
There is some public parking near to the church including disabled. And public parking available within walking distance.Access
We have accessible toilet available
The entrance to Church is ramped
Induction loop available
Some copies of service sheets are available in large print
Assistance dogs are permitted
Wheel chair access and access to the toilets and Holy Spirit Chapel are toilets are level.
Our Building
The church is open between 9am and 5.00pm for visitors and those who wish to come into prayer, there is also a side chapel.The The
There is a variety of Stained Glass in the building
The building is Grade 1 listed
Music and Worship
We have a team of bell ringers who ring for Sunday services
We regularly have concerts
The Organ is a 3 manual Allen Digital Organ which has a wide range of stops.
We don't have a band but we have a singing group (new members always welcome) and the lead the worship at the café service which also uses piano.
Groups, Courses and Activities
We have a group that currently meets for bible study and prayer
Coffee Morning is held on the 1st Saturday of every month
This group meets monthly.
Help for Visitors
Wifi is available in the Church
A guide book is available to purchase and a Card Reader is available for purchases and donations.
The church is usually open between 8am and 5pm daily (4pm in winter)
Other Features
we use fair trade coffee
We have audio and visual facilities. The visual display or portable screens.
We do not have a hall but the church is available for hire and the seating can be used in different positions