Today is day six of Volunteers’ Week 2024 and we continue to look at the different types of volunteering roles at Bradford Cathedral and those who volunteer here. Here we meet Anne Hilton, a choir chaperone, to find out more about her and her volunte

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On Monday 10th June 2024, Bradford Cathedral Director of Education and Visitors Maggie Myers will present a talk on two of the rare altar cloths held in the building

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One of the volunteering positions at Bradford Cathedral is that of a welcomer who, as the title suggests, welcomes people into the building and helps them find their way around, and gives them important information about the history and heritage.

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The Coat of Hopes is an extraordinary community created patchwork coat made up of over 600 blanket patches. It will be on display from Saturday 8th June 2024 during the Cathedral’s usual opening hours.

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