A Look Back: March

Today we continue into March which included more of the Lent course, organ recitals, and the Deposition of Christ exhibition. The Bradford Faith Trail returned after its winter break, and we welcomed the Leeds Philharmonic Chorus for their Bernstein & Pascoe concert.

Our annual Fairtrade Breakfast took place over the first weekend; we held a special themed 'International Women's Day' organ recital with a special commission (you can watch it back at https://youtu.be/0IqgQ7m6Irc); and, after a couple of days closed due to the snow, we had the 'Big Brew'! We were also awarded 'Fairtrade Church' status in recognition of our Fairtrade work this month.

Revd. Pete talked about leading worship at the Lambeth Conference in March's Monday Fellowship; we marked English Tourism Week with a series of videos; and there was the Mothering Sunday service.

The Revd Canon Ned Lunn also attend the Commonwealth of Nations' Flag of Peace raising ceremony in Centenary Square.

As March headed towards its end, we held the Choral Evensong with thanksgiving for the year of office of the Lord Mayor; there was the annual Day of Reflection; an Open Iftar - including recycling work with Green Street; and the first of the 'Concerts by Candlelight' events.