A Look Back: February

Today we continue into February. We began the month by welcoming the Outdoor Arts Conference to the Cathedral for two days, and debuting a recording that Benjamin Tassie made on the Wingfield Organ in the last days of January. You can read more at https://bradfordcathedral.org.uk/2023/02/07/borrowing-the-past/

The weekly organ recital season continued, and our annual services returned, such as the Bradford & District Legal Service and the Choral Eucharist with Prayers for Healing, We also continued to welcome pilgrims, both on foot and on bike!

We also hosted 'Candles in the Dark' - a celebration of worship, inspiration and encouragement, for everyone who wants to see their church growing - and welcomed 'The Heritage Singers' as our first visiting choir of the year.

Dean Andy and Ali Bowerman talked about fostering at their Monday Fellowship; we held our half-term family activities; prepared for Shrove Tuesday; and we began the season of Lent with our Ash Wednesday service and a weekly Lent Course.

We held 'The Deposition of Christ' exhibition for Lent in the Cathedral, and hosted a 'Prayer Vigil for Peace in Ukraine'. Earlier in the month we'd also contributed to a period of silence for those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

You can listen back to the Lord's Prayer in Ukrainian at https://youtu.be/vgXETHxptGY

And as we reached the end of the month, we hosted the 'Bradford Climate Symposium' and the latest 'Cathedral Sing!'.

Finally, we said goodbye to Sandra, who finished with us this month.

(Additional photography: Benjamin Tassie, Henriette Howarth, University of Bradford)