Quiet Day - A More Christ-like Imagination
- Occurring
- for 6 hours
- Venue
- Caversham St John the Baptist
- Address St John's Road Caversham, RG4 8EB, United Kingdom
At the threshold of Holy Week, let’s take a pause to consider our mental picture of Jesus and so what it means to be Christ-like. Which Jesus are you choosing to follow?
We'll spend the morning at church in quiet reflection in a variety of ways. We'll share a soup and bread lunch and then those that want to will head out for an afternoon walk to chat, share and be quiet in nature. Registration required, contact [email protected] for details.
Quiet Day - A More Christ-like Imagination
23 Mar 2024, 10 a.m. for 6 hours
Quiet Day - A More Christ-like Imagination
23 Mar 2024, 10 a.m. for 6 hours