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Morning Service - In Person and Online

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
All Saints Peckham
Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

Sunday Morning services include sung worship, prayer and teaching from the bible followed by a time of responding to that, often praying for each other. Kids and youth groups run during the service enabling our youngest members to worship and learn about God in an age appropriate way. Tea and coffee are served at the end of the service. All are welcome - simply come along. The service is live streamed and can be viewed online at our YouTube channel -

Evening Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints Peckham
Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

A smaller community gathering for worship, prayer and to journey in faith together. Tea and coffee served after the service.

Alpha Course

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
All Saints Peckham
All Saints Peckham, Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

Alpha is a chance to ask life’s big questions and explore the Christian faith in a fun, no-pressure environment. Each session includes a short film which looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.

Everyone’s welcome – whether you’re an atheist, a sceptic, or just curious about faith.

Community Cafe

Every Tuesday and Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
All Saints Peckham
Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

A free cuppa and a warm place to chat. Weekly, Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30am - 11am

Mid-week Service

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
All Saints Peckham
Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

A mid-week, in-person service of worship, prayer and bible teaching. All welcome!

Prayer Night

Monthly. Every Third Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
All Saints Peckham
Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

An evening of prioritising prayer as we praise God and bring our needs and concerns to Him.

Rooted Women's Breakfast

Saturday 18 January 2025, Saturday 22 March 2025 at for 2 hours, 30 mins
All Saints Peckham
Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

Our women’s ministry breakfasts are called 'Rooted', seeking to bring together ladies of all ages to encourage one another in our walk with the Lord and to think through different topics which affect our daily lives. Our vision is that this will be a group for churchgoers but also one to invite friends, colleagues and neighbours to a place where they will be made to feel welcome and learn of God’s love for them.

We meet every other month from 9-11:30am. We enjoy food, conversation and prayer - there will be time for questions and discussion round tables.

This next event will have Tania Bright as our speaker, the CEO of Home for Good, speaking on Radical Welcome.

Deeper Men's Breakfast

for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints Peckham
Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

A gathering of the men for cooked breakfast, bantering and encouraging one another to go deeper in our walk with the Lord.

Worship Night

Thursday 09 January 2025, Thursday 06 February 2025, Thursday 06 March 2025, Thursday 03 April 2025, Thursday 01 May 2025, Thursday 05 June 2025, Thursday 03 July 2025 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints Peckham
Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

A time set aside for worship to the Lord. In the round, come ready to join in.

Easter Holiday Club - Mission Impossible!

Every day at for 2 hours, 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
All Saints Peckham
Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

This Easter join us as we equip ourselves to be agents for Jesus on His mission to share the gospel!

With games, crafts, singing, learning about Jesus from the Bible and tonnes of top secret missions to accomplish, we're really looking forward to this special time together.

Holiday club will run from 9:30am - 12 noon on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Holy Week (15th, 16th and 17th April) and all children in the primary school age bracket are welcome.

Children will need to be dropped off each morning by a parent or carer, who will sign them in. Upon collection at 12 midday children will need to be signed out by a parent or carer before they can leave. On Thursday, the final day, we hope that parents and carers will come to collect with a packed lunch so that we can all have lunch together on the church site (hopefully in the sun).

Absolutely everyone is welcome, whether they currently go to a church or have never been to one before. So do spread the news to your friends. Places are free but will be limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis by booking through this page. Please book each child in separately so that we have full details on everyone attending.

Easter Sunrise Gathering with Resurrection Run!

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Peckham Rye Common
Peckham Rye Common, Straker's Road, SE15 3UA, United Kingdom

We're gathering at sunrise to mark this glorious day together! Meet in front of the cafe at the top of Peckham Rye Common (close to the playground and car park). We'll worship and pray together outdoors. Then for those who wish to take on the vicar's resurrection run and hallelujah burpees we'll move into that!

Easter Sunday Baptism Service

for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints Peckham
Blenheim Grove Peckham Peckham, SE15 4QS, United Kingdom

Celebrate the risen Lord Jesus with us this Easter as we baptise friends into new life in Him!
Serving hot cross buns before our all age service with songs of praise, full immersion baptisms and kids activities. All Welcome!