Facilities and features


Unfortunately we have no toilet facilities in the church. However there is a disabled toilet in the Reading Room just a couple of minute from the church. Please speak to a sidesperson if you need assistance or direction.

St Mary’s has a couple of steps at the entrance in the south porch. However there is a temporary ramp that can be put down should someone require this.

Hearing (induction) Loop

Assistant dogs are always very welcome.

We have gluten free communion wafers so please let a sidesperson know before the start of the service so that we can ensure we have it ready when you come for communion.

We have temporary ramps that make the church accessible with assistance.

Our Building

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing
Regular Choir

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes
Church Open

We love dogs and welcome them joining

Other Features