St. Saviour's, Brockley Rise

St Saviour's is an inclusive church providing an active welcome and encouraging all to play their full part in the life of the church. We welcome you whether you are a long time church member, an occasional visitor, or someone who has never been to church before, whether you are confident in your faith in God, questioning or sceptical, whatever your age, education, ethnicity, background, gender identity, sexual identity, relationship status, physical or other needs.  

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Fr David Vyvyan

What's on

Morning Prayer

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at for 30 mins
St. Saviour's, Brockley Rise
Brockley Rise Forest Hill London, SE23 1JN, United Kingdom

A short service of psalms, readings and prayers at the beginning of the day.

Deptford Wives 1 March 25.jpg

Deptford Wives at The Crofton Park Tavern on Saturday, 1st March from 8:30pm. The band are playing in aid of Linking Lives Crofton Park.
