Morning Prayer

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday at for 30 mins
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

Join us for daily worship either in person in the cathedral, or live-streamed on the cathedral’s Facebook page. Watch with or without an account at

Evening Prayer/Choral Evensong

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at for 45 mins
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

Evening Prayer/ Choral Evensong takes place on Monday to Saturday at 5.30pm. Join us at the cathedral in person, or via our live-stream at

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

Join us for Holy Communion at 8am at the cathedral.

Also at 11.30am

Sung Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

Join us on YouTube or in person for Sung Eucharist at 10am every Sunday. Watch the live-streamed service at

Choral Evensong

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

Join Choral Evensong, featuring music from Durham Cathedral Choir, every Sunday in person at 3.30pm.

Sung Eucharist with Procession of Palms and Reading of Passion

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

Palm Sunday represents the start of Holy Week. Beginning outside of Palace Green, the clergy process into the Cathedral, echoing Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.

Members of the congregation are given palm crosses, representing Christ’s victory over death on the cross. It also reminds us that, just days after his triumphant kingly arrival when people spread palm leaves on the floor for him to walk on, Jesus would be crucified.

Stations of the Cross

for 1 hour
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

Join us as we journey through the cathedral taking pause to pray at the 'Stations of the Cross' as we remember Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion. All are welcome.

Maundy Thursday - Stripping of the Altars and a Watch at the Altar of Repose

for 1 hour
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

During this service, we commemorate Jesus instituting Eucharist during the Last Supper and remember his washing of his disciples' feet. This re-enactment involves washing the feet of the Cathedral community, to remind us of the humility of Christ and that the greatest commandment is to love others.

Following this, we process down to the Galilee Chapel to reflect on his betrayal and arrest in Durham’s ancient 'Judas Cup Ceremony', before the altar is stripped and the cathedral is sent into darkness. Following the service, we are invited to keep watch and pray with Jesus in the silence until 10pm.

This is followed by a Watch at the Altar of Repose until 10.00pm. Incense is used at this service.

Good Friday: The Three Hours

for 3 hours
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

At the Three Hours Service, we commemorate the three hours that Christ suffered on the cross. We hear again the story of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus’ arrest and trial, and Peter’s denial of Jesus, before we reach Jesus’ crucifixion and death. During this time, music is interspersed between contemplative reflections, prayers and silences.

Easter Day - The Easter Vigil, Dawn Eucharist with Baptism and Confirmation

for 2 hours, 30 mins
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

Easter Sunday marks the day when Jesus rose again. At the 5am service beginning in the cloister garth, we make the journey from darkness into light as the sun rises, and hear the ancient proclamation of Easter, the Exsultet. As we celebrate Christ’s victory over death with music and prayer, we also affirm our faith and witness baptisms and confirmations.

Join us for refreshments after the Dawn Eucharist service.

The celebrations continue throughout the day with Matins, Sung Eucharist and Evensong.

Pentecost Praise at Durham Cathedral

for 1 hour
Durham Cathedral
The College Durham, DH1 3EH, United Kingdom

Celebrate with local churches at Durham Cathedral for Pentecost Praise, a joyous and thankful service. This service will be a contemporary worship, led by a band from local churches and preached by Esther Prior, Bishop-designate of Aston and hosted by Philip Plyming, Dean of Durham.

This service will bring this year's Thy Kingdom Come prayer initiative to an end, and there will be opportunities for prayer ministry during the service. Thank God together for the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church and to celebrate how God is at work in the world today.