About Us

Durham Cathedral is the Anglican Cathedral church of the Diocese of Durham. It is the Shrine of St Cuthbert and the Venerable Bede, the Seat of the Bishop of Durham and a focus of pilgrimage and spirituality in North-East England.

Opening Times:

Durham Cathedral is open for visitors and worshippers. For information about visiting, please check our website: www.durhamcathedral.co.uk/visit-us

Our mission

Inspired by our saints, Cuthbert and Bede, the mission of Durham Cathedral is to offer everyone the opportunity to encounter God and know God’s love in Jesus Christ

Our purpose

Our purpose is to: worship God, share the gospel of Jesus Christ, welcome all who come, celebrate and pass on our rich Christian heritage, discover our place in God’s creation.

Our values

Our values help guide us in recognising how we fulfil our vocation as a cathedral.

They reflect the qualities we believe are essential to our life and work as a 21st century cathedral. We use them to highlight the necessity of working in ways motivated by wisdom, responsibility and ethics.

In all things, we are inspired, motivated and challenged by the Christian faith and the values of the Gospel.

Spirituality - We recognise and respond to God’s presence in our world and among us, practising a reflective approach to what we do.

Respect - We recognise the image of God in all human beings, honour their dignity and treat them with courtesy.

Justice - We deal fairly in our personal and collective behaviours, work to the highest ethical standards, and are honest in our speech and behaviour .We think, speak and act with integrity, are professional in our conduct, and are publicly accountable for our actions.

Collaboration - We are a community founded on trust that prizes team working and builds partnerships that contribute to the common good.

Sustainability - We are business-like in our corporate life and prudent in our stewardship of resources. We pursue the sustainability of our operations and environment.

Welcome - We are welcoming and hospitable to all. We show Christian love and care to our guests and those who need our help.

Aspiration - We are an outward-facing cathedral that reaches for the future with energy and courage, and reaches out to our communities in the hope of personal and social transformation.