Related Churches
The English Church in Ostend
Welcome to the English Church in Ostend!
We are a friendly Church of England (Anglican) church.
We are a multicultural community who worship in English under the spiritual leadership of the Reverend Augustine Nwaekwe.
Our church is open to all, and a very warm welcome awaits you. It's indeed your church.
St Paul's, Tervuren
St Paul's, Tervuren
We welcome people from the international community who wish to worship with us in English. You can find out a lot more about us on our own website, including the latest news and upcoming event details
St M and Ms Leuven
St M s is an inclusive, multicultural and socially-active chaplaincy in the heart of the university city of Leuven. Our community comprises students, professionals and young families drawn from across the globe as well as local Dutch-speaking members.
We meet every Sunday for worship and fellowship and there are home groups and other social activities alongside our social justice activities throughout the week.
St John's Anglican Church, Ghent
Welcome to St John’s Anglican Church, a predominantly English speaking Christian community in Ghent, Belgium.
Our vibrant community comprises of people from all over the world and of many nationalities, races, languages, denominations and faith backgrounds. Together we strive to follow the way of Jesus.
We regularly come together for services held in English and Dutch at the beautiful church of the Old St Elizabeth Beguinage.
Our diversity is a blessing and a challenge and if this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, why don’t you come along and see. We would love to meet you!
All Saints Anglican Church, Luxembourg
We call ourselves 'All Saints' to reflect our calling and our diversity – from many countries and backgrounds, but all one in Christ! Do come along one Sunday to a service or contact me by phone or email.
I look forward to meeting you.
Rev. Geoff Read, Chaplain
St Peter's Chapel
Welcome to St Peter's Chapel, Bruges!
We are a friendly Church of England (Anglican) church in the heart of Bruges.
We are a multicultural community who worship in English under the spiritual leadership of the Reverend Augustine Nwaekwe.
Our church is open to all, and a very warm welcome awaits you. It's indeed your church.
St George, Knokke-Heist
St George, Knokke-Heist
St George, Ieper
In Ieper (Ypres) today there are two great memorials to the fallen of the First World War, perhaps the best known of which is the Menin Gate. St George’s however, is of equal importance in regards to perpetual remembrance and is an active, vibrant church serving the local community and thousands of annual visitors.
The many memorials to the fallen in St Georges form an integral part of the uniqueness of this special church, be it the stained glass windows, the bells, kneelers, brass plaques or the banners and standards.
The English Church Of Liège
The English Church Of Liège
St Mary The Virgin
Trinity Church Eindhoven
Trinity Church Eindhoven
All Saints Maastricht - Anglican
All Saints Maastricht International Church is an English-speaking Christian community meeting twice per month in service and fellowship with Maastricht's English-speaking expatriate, international community. As a result, our congregation consists of Christians of a variety of national and denominational backgrounds. We also gather for bible studies, prayer evenings, youth group events, church picnics, and other fellowship opportunities. Everyone is welcome at All Saints, whether you are looking for spiritual growth, friendship, or just a conversation. Please join us!
Christ Church Amsterdam: Three Locations: City Centre, South & Southeast
Christ Church Amsterdam; In the City, For the City!
Welcome to Amsterdam: one the most free cities in the World for the way people think and the way one can express oneself
Deep in the heart of the Amsterdam city centre, the roots of Christ Church Amsterdam were founded over 400 years ago. Our congregations meet at 3 unique locations in Amsterdam: the congregation at Centre meets at a historic canal-side building on Groenburgwal in Amsterdam city centre. The congregation at South has a new welcoming home at the Veteranenlaan, on the cusp of Amsterdam Zuid/Buitenveldert, Amstelveen and the Middelpolder nature reserve. The South East Congregation of the Holy Spirit meets at the Church Centre the “Nieuwe Stad”
We aspire to be a growing, welcoming, vibrant chaplaincy that is integrated in the local community and provides strong preaching and committed pastoral care to all, with the vibrancy of worship and fellowship that entailed, while embracing our newly-found depth of relationship and opportunities for prayer ministry
Church of St John and St Philip
We are a friendly international Anglican church located in The Hague with members from more than 40 countries and many Christian denominations. About 1/3 of our members are Dutch although all services are conducted in English. Our worship ranges from traditional to more contemporary and informal in style. There are groups for children and young people as well as additional youth activities and Home Groups for you to join. Read more about us on our website at or our facebook page at
The chaplaincy of St.John and St.Philip, The Hague is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer(s), SOs. The Diocese of Europe’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our SOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.
St Mary's Anglican and Episcopal Church
St Willibrord
Welcome to St Willibrord, Arnhem.
Pro-Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity
Anglican Church Haarlem
All are welcome to join us in worship; we are an inclusive church with a small, caring community which is committed to spiritual growth and mutual support. Everyone is welcome – we are open to God and our doors are open to all.
Every Sunday we hold a traditional sung Eucharist service (with hymns) at 2.30pm and our choir joins us every second week. Children are always welcome and on the Fourth Sunday of each month we run a Children's Church with learning through fun activities, games and discussion. After our services we enjoy tea with something sweet.
At special times of the year we hold big choral services including a Christmas Nine Lessons and Carols and a Good Friday Service of Readings and Choral Works.
We run Lent and Advent Discussion Groups as well as regular Compline Services and Prayer Groups.
Socially we have monthly events including a Breakfast Club, Ladies' Lunch and Boys' Borrel. We also have other get-togethers throughout the year including teas, raffles and a popular Christmas Market.
The parish of Haarlem is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Europe’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.
Christ Church Amsterdam South
Welcome to Nijmegen
St James Voorschoten
We are a vibrant international English-speaking Anglican church serving the Leiden area, offering a spiritual home to people of all ages and from all over the world.
Our main Sunday service is usually held at 10.30am at the BSN (British School in The Netherlands) Senior School in Voorschoten. However, sometimes the school is unavailable and we relocate to an alternative venue. Please keep an eye on for up to date information.
Congregation of the Holy Spirit Zuidoost
Christ Church, Heiloo
Christ Church, Heiloo
Location information
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