Lingwood Parish Council and Cemetery.


Parish council meetings are held monthly usually on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in Lingwood Village Hall. All meetings are open to the public. At the beginning of each meeting an open forum is held where members of the public can put their questions to the council

CEMETERY, CHURCH ROAD, LINGWOOD   The Parish Council was asked in 1986 by the late Rev. Ivor Welch to make provision (as a burial authority) for additional burial space in the parish as the present churchyard at Lingwood was almost full.

Negotiations followed with Norfolk County Council who owned the adjoining farmland and in 1989 the Parish Council completed the purchase of 0.69 of an acre at the cost of £2500.

Planning permission for a burial ground and associated car-park was granted and the land was consecrated by Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith on 11th June 1990.

Since then, this non-denominational Cemetery has come into use and provides a quiet resting place for loved ones and only a short distance from the surrounding villages and their churches.

The Parish Council endeavours to keep this area as a lawn cemetery, permission is given for headstones for earth burials and plaques for cremated remains.

All enquiries should be addressed to the Clerk of the Council  Mrs Sonya Dickinson  01603 714251