Telephone Church

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
Groby: St Philip & St James
Markfield Road Groby Leicester, LE6 0FL, United Kingdom

There may be a whole host of reasons why we can't make it to church in person, from ill health to car problems! But you can still join in with worship and fellowship here in the Benefice of Groby and Ratby with our telephone church! So attached in the files is an order of service which we will use each week. If you would like to join in with the hymns, do contact Rev'd Ed Bampton and we will get a hymn book – with time delays it might sound a bit cacophonous, but I’m sure God doesn’t mind!

Below are the instructions for joining in with ‘Telephone Church’:

Using your telephone (landline OR mobile) dial:
0333 0164 757
See if you can put your phone on ‘speaker’ or ‘hands free’ so that you can move it away from your ear. This isn’t essential but might make it easier for you.
You will hear a woman’s voice saying “Welcome to Whypay (and a short marketing message)” then, “Please enter your conference room number followed by the hash key”. So using your keypad type in:
10336316 # this is the Room Number
You will then hear the same voice say “Please enter your Guest Pin followed by the hash key”. So using your keypad type in:
1920 # this is the Guest Pin
When you are connected if you are the first on the line some music will play, when someone arrives you will hear a tone, just say hello to each other and when everyone is there we will begin.
With love and prayers,
Rev’d Ed

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Groby: St Philip & St James

Our vision is:

Building the Body of Christ: Equipping the Church for Mission

and our intention is that as we improve our understanding of what it means to be the body of Christ, so God’s Spirit will strengthen our trust and commitment together, deepen our faith and prayer and prepare us for His plans and purposes.

The parish of Groby: St Philip and St James is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Leicester’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services. For further information, do see our Safeguarding page.

Get in touch

Edward Bampton

23 Ferndale Drive

Church Office
0116 2393768

Our website

What's on

Telephone Church

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
Groby: St Philip & St James
Markfield Road Groby Leicester, LE6 0FL, United Kingdom

There may be a whole host of reasons why we can't make it to church in person, from ill health to car problems! But you can still join in with worship and fellowship here in the Benefice of Groby and Ratby with our telephone church! So attached in the files is an order of service which we will use each week. If you would like to join in with the hymns, do contact Rev'd Ed Bampton and we will get a hymn book – with time delays it might sound a bit cacophonous, but I’m sure God doesn’t mind!

Below are the instructions for joining in with ‘Telephone Church’:

Using your telephone (landline OR mobile) dial:
0333 0164 757
See if you can put your phone on ‘speaker’ or ‘hands free’ so that you can move it away from your ear. This isn’t essential but might make it easier for you.
You will hear a woman’s voice saying “Welcome to Whypay (and a short marketing message)” then, “Please enter your conference room number followed by the hash key”. So using your keypad type in:
10336316 # this is the Room Number
You will then hear the same voice say “Please enter your Guest Pin followed by the hash key”. So using your keypad type in:
1920 # this is the Guest Pin
When you are connected if you are the first on the line some music will play, when someone arrives you will hear a tone, just say hello to each other and when everyone is there we will begin.
With love and prayers,
Rev’d Ed

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