Nine lessons and carols

for 1 hour
All Saints
Church Hill, Lower Weald Calverton Milton Keynes, MK19 6EE, United Kingdom

with SMSG church choir, at All Saints church, Calverton

The Parish welcomes you to our Advent and Christmas services.
We would love you to join us in our worship as we await and celebrate the joyous story of Christ's birth.
Wheelchair/pushchair access to All Saints Church is via a tarmac driveway to the main entrance at the side of the church.
Our Advent Appeal this year is for the Charity called OpenDoors which provides resources and hope to Christians around the world facing persecution and discrimination due to their faith
If you are unwell with cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms, please stay at home and get well soon.

All Saints

The Parish of Stony Stratford with Calverton is the merger of two parishes which have enjoyed close ties for many centuries: the Parish of All Saints, Calverton, and the Parish of St Mary & St Giles, Stony Stratford. The focal point of the Christian life of our two Parish Churches is the Eucharist celebrated every Sunday, where we gather after the example of the early Church for the, “apostles teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42).

Get in touch


What's on

Nine lessons and carols

for 1 hour
All Saints
Church Hill, Lower Weald Calverton Milton Keynes, MK19 6EE, United Kingdom

with SMSG church choir, at All Saints church, Calverton

The Parish welcomes you to our Advent and Christmas services.
We would love you to join us in our worship as we await and celebrate the joyous story of Christ's birth.
Wheelchair/pushchair access to All Saints Church is via a tarmac driveway to the main entrance at the side of the church.
Our Advent Appeal this year is for the Charity called OpenDoors which provides resources and hope to Christians around the world facing persecution and discrimination due to their faith
If you are unwell with cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms, please stay at home and get well soon.