Holy Communion

Every Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

Holy Communion service with music and songs.
All welcome

Church Lads and Girls Brigade

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

Varied activities and events for children and young people from the age of 5

Coffee Morning

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 14 mins
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

Our weekly drop-in Coffee Morning is back on a new day and time - Wednesdays from 10am-11:15am from Wednesday 20th October. Tea / Coffee and nibbles available. No charge - all welcome. Come and find space to sit, to chat with friends old and new, and time in which to simply be.


Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

Weekly Meeting

Benefice Service - CHECK VENUE

Sunday 30 October 2022, Sunday 29 January 2023, Sunday 30 April 2023, Sunday 30 July 2023, Sunday 29 October 2023, Sunday 30 June 2024, Sunday 29 September 2024, Sunday 29 December 2024, Sunday 30 March 2025, Sunday 29 June 2025, Sunday 31 August 2025, Sunday 30 November 2025, Sunday 29 March 2026, Sunday 31 May 2026, Sunday 30 August 2026, Sunday 29 November 2026 at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

Each 5th Sunday we have a combined service with our sister church, St. Andrew's, Leicester Forest East. The service normally starts at 10:30am and is followed by a shared meal. We take it in turns to host this service, so please check the church noticeboards or our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/StCrispinsBraunstone) for the venue for this service.

Every 5th Sunday

Breakfast Church

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

A monthly informal family service with food, fun, fellowship, songs, games, activities and reflections helping us explore the Bible and the Christian faith. Light breakfast is served free from 9:30am, with our worship beginning at 10am.

Palm Sunday Eucharist with procession

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

We gather outside the Civic Centre at 9:15pm for our Palm Sunday procession of witness up the Kingsway to St. Crispin's. If that is too far for you to walk, you are welcome to join the procession at the Church car park gates or inside the church itself for our Holy Communion service.

Maundy Thursday Holy Communion, followed by the Watch

for 2 hours
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

A special service commemorating Jesus' Last Supper with his friends before his Passion. There is an opportunity for those who wished to participate in hand or foot washing, as we recall Jesus washing his disciples' feet.

This service is followed by an opportunity to keep watch in an hour of silent prayer.

Good Friday Reflection

for 1 hour
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

A prayerful reflective service, pondering the mystery of the Cross and Christ's sacrifice for us.

Easter Day Holy Communion service

for 1 hour
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

He is risen!
He is risen indeed, alleluia!

Join us as we celebrate Jesus Christ rising from the dead and offering the chance of new life to everyone!

Annual Parochial Church Meetings

for 2 hours
St Crispin's, Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley
Turnbull Drive / Edward Avenue Braunstone Town Leicester, LE3 2JW, United Kingdom

Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting and Annual Meeting of Parishioners this year will take place during our regular Sunday Morning Holy Communion service.
Please be aware you must be on the church electoral roll to vote at the Annual Parochial Church meeting, and / or resident in the parish to vote in the election of churchwardens.