Essential works at St Peter's


Asbestos - a word to strike fear into the bones of any churchwarden.

Unfortunately for us in Higham, some ancient pipe-lagging in the boiler room had started to fall apart and when tested it was found to be one of the more dangerous types of asbestos that needed specialist removal. It's a costly business and we weren't sure if we could afford to go ahead or whether we'd have to shut the church for the winter.

Thanks to a grant given by the National Churches Trust we've been able to go ahead and get this essential work done during January. The NCT provide funding to support maintenance and repairs to churches of all Christian denominations so they can stay open.

A plastic air-lock tent was built over the boiler room and 'spacemen' went in and came out with secure disposal bags carrying the offending material. Then everything was scrubbed clean and the air and surfaces tested to make sure all the asbestos was gone. 

With everything cleaned we are able to use the heating again, safe in the knowledge that there's no nasty asbestos any more.

If you'd like to join us for a service please check the schedule on the services and events page.