On September 1st, in response to the recent unrest in our nation, the 'church' in Leicester and Leicestershire is being invited to come together to worship, pray and call out to God for wisdom, revelation and His will to be done.
Awake as the first grey light of dawn was thinking of making an appearance, our Reverend Jo was impacted by words about Good Friday, 2024. As she wrote words began to flow and this is her reflective poem on Jesus journey to Golgotha, 'Did it rain?'
St Helen's Church will be open on Sunday 11th September from 2pm until 5pm for private prayer and reflection and an opportunity to light a candle in honour of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
In honour of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II the scheduled 'Cream tea' afternoon in the church and church grounds on Sunday 11th September has been cancelled.