LYFE groups

Every First, Third, Fourth Wednesday at for 1 hour
Your home
Your home, Via Zoom

Simple, yet profound, small group sessions to help us discover a deeper life with God. The group will be starting a new series - Lectio - for 5 weeks, on Wednesday 21st Feb evenings finishing 27th March. It is based on the ancient form of prayer called Lectio Divina. Each session has a short video, led by Pete Greig, founder of 24-7 prayer, followed by discussion and time to practice what we have learnt.
Pete Greig says that 'It will equip you and your community to grow in prayer, discern God’s voice and fall in love with the Bible'.
If you wish to join the session, please contact Dave Harrold by emailing [email protected].

Sapcote: All Saints

Get in touch

Rev'd Joanna Hover

07796 413883
What's on

LYFE groups

Every First, Third, Fourth Wednesday at for 1 hour
Your home
Your home, Via Zoom

Simple, yet profound, small group sessions to help us discover a deeper life with God. The group will be starting a new series - Lectio - for 5 weeks, on Wednesday 21st Feb evenings finishing 27th March. It is based on the ancient form of prayer called Lectio Divina. Each session has a short video, led by Pete Greig, founder of 24-7 prayer, followed by discussion and time to practice what we have learnt.
Pete Greig says that 'It will equip you and your community to grow in prayer, discern God’s voice and fall in love with the Bible'.
If you wish to join the session, please contact Dave Harrold by emailing [email protected].