Sapcote Churches Together Service

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Sapcote: All Saints
Church Street Sapcote Leicester, LE9 4FF, United Kingdom

The churches of Sapcote meet for united worship.
This will be service of Holy Communion and features a talk by Revd Patricia Mukorombindo
There will be activities for children in the church during the service before the celebration of the bread and the wine.
Refreshments will be served after service.

Sapcote: All Saints

Get in touch

Rev'd Joanna Hover

What's on

Sapcote Churches Together Service

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Sapcote: All Saints
Church Street Sapcote Leicester, LE9 4FF, United Kingdom

The churches of Sapcote meet for united worship.
This will be service of Holy Communion and features a talk by Revd Patricia Mukorombindo
There will be activities for children in the church during the service before the celebration of the bread and the wine.
Refreshments will be served after service.