Sapcote Carnival

for 6 hours, 30 mins
Sapcote Playing Field
Sapcote Playing Field

"Just one week to go!!!- 22ND JUNE
The Carnival starts with a procession of floats making its way through the village from 12.30pm.
The 'on-field' events take place from 2pm featuring bands, Street vendors, rides and bouncy castles, stalls, village group displays and other attractions.
Sapcote Churches Together will be having an Olympic themed float linked to Psalm 119:105 (I wonder what it will be???) and will be providing children's activities on the 'Rec' between 2-5pm.
We will also run the 'wellie wanging'!
Everyone welcome from anywhere!

Sapcote: All Saints

Get in touch

Rev'd Joanna Hover

07796 413883
What's on

Sapcote Carnival

for 6 hours, 30 mins
Sapcote Playing Field
Sapcote Playing Field

"Just one week to go!!!- 22ND JUNE
The Carnival starts with a procession of floats making its way through the village from 12.30pm.
The 'on-field' events take place from 2pm featuring bands, Street vendors, rides and bouncy castles, stalls, village group displays and other attractions.
Sapcote Churches Together will be having an Olympic themed float linked to Psalm 119:105 (I wonder what it will be???) and will be providing children's activities on the 'Rec' between 2-5pm.
We will also run the 'wellie wanging'!
Everyone welcome from anywhere!