Hope in the Summer 2022


 Last week, Auguat 16th,  saw our second successful delivery of hampers to nominated families in need. This summer, hampers have been delivered to 24 families and they have received food for one day of each week of the holidays plus fresh fruit to accompany each delivery. 

Thank you to all who were involved with nominating, organising, co-ordinating, packing and delivering. Everyone involved was connected with the schools and/or churches of Sapcote and Sharnford. 

The recipients were overjoyed and extremely grateful for a helping hand with feeding hungry mouths over the long holidays. 

We are very grateful for monetary donations given by local groups and the Parish Councils. Also this year we have been awarded a community grant from ASDA to aid our Hope project for the next year. Of course, we know that none of this would have been possible without the large amount of food provided by the Hinckley Area Food Bank and want to express our thanks to them too. 

All were blessed by delivering or receiving hampers and we praise God for this, His inspiration, leading and provision for this project. Please pray for the families involved. The hampers included contact details for the churches of Sapcote and Sharnford and groups that children might attend. Please pray that they will keep in touch and seek support if needed. 

The Hope Team