About Us
ALL SAINTS' BENHILTON is the large gothic revival church on Angel Hill, at the northern end of Sutton High Street.
A FRIENDLY COMMUNITY OF FAITH: The people of All Saints' are a community, of all ages and ethnicities, gathered around the risen Christ, living and worshipping according to the traditional Catholic Faith of the Church of England. The heart of our worship and outreach is the Mass.
We are a Forward in Faith parish of The Society of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda. Our bishop is the Rt Rev’d Jonathan Baker, Bishop of Fulham.
THE VICAR is Fr. Chris Phillips SSC (07917 798285). His email address is: [email protected]
OUR CHURCHWARDENS are Mrs Linda Roots (020 8644 7271) and Mrs Carolyn Melius (020 8642 4276).
OUR READER is Mrs Marjorie Whitehouse (020 8395 0289).
THE SECRETARY OF OUR PCC is Mrs Victoria Mottram. Her email address is: [email protected]
You can visit our parish website here: https://allsaintsbenhilton.org