An Ash Wednesday service is a Christian service that marks the beginning of Lent. The service includes scripture readings, prayer, and the ceremonial "imposition of ashes" on the foreheads of participants. It is a holy day of prayer and fasting in many Western Christian denominations. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday and marks the first day of Lent, the six weeks of penitence before Easter.<br>
Our Lent Course the year is based around the book Wild Bright Hope.It will run on Wednesdays from 6th March to 9th April at St. Catherine's church Burbage. Start timed alternate between 12 noon and 1.00 pm. Please note first meeting 5th March starts at 1.00. The following week 12th March will start at 12.00 noon and then times will alternate weekly after that.For more information:
Minster Communities are groups of churches and fresh expressions working collaboratively and sharing resources to enable effective mission. Out of a process of discernment, reflection and conversation, about twenty Minster Communities will be formed.For information visit our event page, which also has links to further C of E information
Services includeNine Carols and LessonsMidnight massFirst Eucharust on Christmas day