Minster Communities are groups of churches and fresh expressions working collaboratively and sharing resources to enable effective mission. Out of a process of discernment, reflection and conversation, about twenty Minster Communities will be formed.For information visit our event page, which also has links to further C of E informationhttps://parishofburbageandastonflamville.co.uk/event/minster-communities-important-meeting
Services includeNine Carols and LessonsMidnight massFirst Eucharust on Christmas day
All Souls’ Day has always been an important part in the church year. The Celtic saints used to talk about ‘thin’ places, where the link between Heaven and Earth, between the living and those who no longer share our lives, seems closer than in other places. The service begins at 6pm and it would be lovely to see you. If you could let us know you are planning to attend, please do so. The good news is that this year’s service will also be broadcast from the church via our You Tube Channel. Please use this link to watch the livestream: https://youtube.com/live/vK8q3Kj4dlk?feature=shareThere is a tradition that we hold in love those whom we particularly remember as we read their names towards the end of the service. If you wish a particular name to be read, or want to attend, please do let the PCC Secretary, know by either emailing her or posting it. Her email address: clgainsford@hotmail.co.uk or to the address below. Rev. Andrew D Hall MA The Rectory New Road LE10 2AW