Facilities and features


Disabled friendly


At the side of the bell tower.

At the entry to the Church gates

Accessible Toilet
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Dementia Aware / Accessible

Our Building

We are proud to hold a Gold Echo Church award.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing

we have a wonderful space for all types of concerts.


Wednesdays at 10:00am
Sunday at 8:00am

Regular Choir

Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible Society course starting 8th May at 7:30pm

6th Burbage Brownies meet at St Catherine's Church each week. Please see girlguiding.co.uk for further details.

First Saturday of every month.

A lunch club is held fortnightly on a Wednesday starting at 12.00 noon

Meets in Church on the third Thursday

Sparklers Toddler Group meets on a Tuesday morning during term time from 9.30am to 11.30am in the Church Refectory.

Food bank dropped off point

Help for Visitors

Other Features


Drop off point

Audio-Visual Facilities
Conservation Area
Hall for Hire