Thought for the week of 22nd January 2023

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.     Matthew 4 : 18 - 20

This week’s reading : Matthew 4 : 12 - 23

Thought for the week

It may have been the fishermen in Jesus’ time couldn’t imagine any other way of living. Maybe they had fished all their working lives up to meeting Jesus. Undoubtedly they had family responsibilities and ties. Family members depending on them. They may even have been tied into a contract with the Roman authorities that gave them the right to fish in return for revenue for Rome.

Yet Jesus calls us into what seems unimaginable, impossible, even unthinkable.

As Isaiah had prophesied so many years before, “On those living in the land of the shadow of death a Light has dawned”.

Following Jesus means stepping into freedom, into new beginnings, into hope. It means coming away from what we may have always known. Laying aside prejudices, worldly agendas, self interest, and a small worldly vision.

What is Jesus calling us to lay aside in our lives? How is He calling you to trust in Him today? How wonderful that our following of Jesus leads to others meeting with Him and knowing Him. Will you follow Him today?

Rev Paul

Prayers for this week

You call us, Wanderer of seashores and sidewalks, inviting us to sail out of our smug harbours into the uncharted waters of faith to wander off from our predictable paths to follow You into the unpredictable footsteps of the kingdom; to leave the comfort of our homes and accompany You into the uncomfortable neighbourhoods we usually avoid.

As we wait, in our simple, sometimes crazy, constantly uncertain lives,

speak to us, Spirit of Grace:

of that hope which is our anchor;

of that peace which is our rock;

of that grace which is our refuge.

~ from a worship order prepared by Rev. Bob Gibson for the London Conference of the United Church of Canada.