Thought for the week of 27th November 2022

Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.  Matthew 24 : 42

This week’s reading : Matthew 24 : 36-44

Thought for the week

As Advent begins today and we embark on a new church year we hear Jesus’ words to his disciples to, ‘keep awake.’

As the days get shorter with darker mornings and early sunsets it can often feel like a time to retreat, to get cosy under a blanket and want to shut the world out.

But Jesus tells us to keep awake and watch for the signs of his presence in the world.

Perhaps this Advent, this season of preparing for the coming of Christ, we might ask God for insight - for the awareness of God’s presence in us and around us.

May we know the hope that is God’s presence and know God’s faithfulness to us in the circumstances of life for Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us.


Prayer for this week

We look around us and feel so sad, worthless, and discouraged.
And you remain with us.

We look around and see unspeakable violence, terrorism and hatred.
And you see who humanity can become.

We look around and find ourselves sliding into anger and hatred.
And you remind us who we are.

We feel sorry for ourselves. We think something is wrong with us.
And you see the good within.

We look around us and see death and destruction.
But you see hope.

We look around and see greed, power seeking, and fear having its day.

We are ready to give up on our human kindred.
But you never give up.

You promise that despite these tough times you never give up on humanity.

~ written by Tim Graves, and posted on LiturgyBits.