Thought for the week of 20th November 2022

Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ He replied, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’    Luke 23 : 42 -- 43

This week’s reading : Luke 23 : 33 - 43

Thought for the week

We've had a new king, Charles, and lots of leadership changes in the past few weeks. So how do we think about leadership, and what do we want from those we follow?

Jesus tells us what his kingdom will be like - a kingdom where imbalances are redressed, the lowly will be lifted up, the hungry will be fed, and the oppressed will be set free.

Yet on the cross, Jesus doesn't look much like a king. But the penitent thief recognises him, and so do all those who look to him to be led out of the trials and limitations of this world.

Christ is our King; the King of the whole world. He is King in all those places where he seems least evident, in Soweto, Mariupol and Kherson. But also in places where his wisdom, justice and righteousness flourish. May the Church be a beacon of his just kingdom

Rev Stella

Prayer for this week

King of the poor to whom belongs the kingdom of heaven, we thank you for your mercy

King of the sorrowful who experience a comfort this world cannot give, we thank you for your mercy

King of the meek, who are destined to inherit the earth, King of the hungry and thirsty to whom are given heavenly bread and wine, we thank you for your mercy

King of the merciful who receive far more than they ever give or expect, we thank you for your mercy

King of the pure of heart, who see God where others see wilderness and despair, we thank you for your mercy

King of the peacemakers, who receive the right to be called children of God,

King of persecuted believers, who rejoice to be counted worthy of suffering for Christ’s sake, we thank you for your mercy

Thanks be to you, God of Christ our Wounded King, for everything he has taught us, for the humble path he has shown us, and for all he has suffered for us and the whole world.

~ written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Home