Thought for the week of 16th October 2022

Will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?’   Luke 18 : 7 - 8

Reading for this week : Luke 18 : 1 - 8

Thought for this week

Jesus tells a parable of a widow who persists in knocking on the door of an unjust judge for her case to be met.

It is a parable about persisting in our prayers. It is also an encouragement about the power and freedom involved in prayer. Prayer unlocks doors and even the hardest of hearts. Through prayer, our loving Lord works miracles. Prayer brings new hope, and new beginnings where only failure and defeat seemed possible. Prayer changes everything.

This week is anti – slavery week. Highlighting the need for justice and freedom for workers, those caught in poverty and debt, for women across the world, all those living under oppressive regimes and tyranny, for working children, the plight of refugees.

Modern day slavery is subversive, world – wide, inhumane, always belittling and restricting, immoral and unjust, often cruel and even destructive.

We are called to pray for freedom in every world – wide situation, every case of human exploitation. For liberation, justice and healing. To pray and not give up, until the Kingdom of Jesus has come.

Rev Paul

Prayers for this week

Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us your gift of faith

that, forsaking what lies behind and reaching out to that which is before,

we may run the way of your commandments and win the crown of everlasting joy;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,


God, our judge and saviour,

teach us to be open to your truth and to trust in your love,

that we may live each day with confidence in the salvation which is given

through Jesus Christ our Lord.
