Thought for the week of 21st August 2022

When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.     Luke 13 : 12 – 13

Reading for this week : Luke 13 : 10 - 17

Thought for the week

Though we don’t always want to admit it, as humans I think we know we need rules, boundaries, to know where we are, for life to carry on safely and well.

But what happens when these no longer help, but restrict our lives? Or worse still , restrict our freedom in God, our worship, our ability to grow in our relationship with the Lord and as people.

In our Gospel reading Jesus heals a woman suffering from a physical condition for eighteen years. Jesus breaks through into her life and gives her freedom from suffering and a new beginning.

Jesus breaks through into the most difficult situations with His freedom, hope and peace.

He also breaks through all that would trap, and restrict, in our relationship with Him. In Jesus’ time it was the restrictions imposed by the religious authorities to bring control, that stifled so many in knowing God’s love.

Jesus has come to bring freedom and new life. What stifles us in our relationship with Jesus that we need to put aside? What limitations to Jesus’ grace do we need to ask Him to break through? 

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week : A Prayer for Healing

God of life, God of hope, God of all

Lift us on your love like eagle's wings

Sustain us, Guide us, Heal us

Then send us forth into the world

That we may love as you love.


~ written by Terri, and posted on RevGalBlogPals.