Thought for the week of 10th July 2022

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”      Luke 10 ; 36 - 37

Reading for this week : Luke 10 ; 25 - 37

The story of the Good Samaritan must surely be one of the best known and best loved of all Jesus’ parables. Its message has been proclaimed down the generations - be kind to those you might not want to be kind to, and, help can come in unexpected ways from unexpected people.

But it is far, far more than this. It is an invitation, a challenge even, to Kingdom living. It is not enough, says Jesus, to do the Correct Thing, but rather, as followers of the Way of Jesus we are called to do the Right Thing.

Paul, in his letter to the Christians in Rome, wrote that, ‘Love is the fulfilling of the law.’ This is the right way to live, seeing everyone as our neighbour and that often calls for us to love the people right next to us.

Loving in practical ways, speaking truth to power, seeking justice, binding the wounds of others in our broken and hurting world. This is the way of Jesus and the example he set. We are called to, ‘Go and do likewise.’


Prayer for this week (inspired by Psalm 25: 4-5)

Make us to know your ways, O Lord; teach us your paths.

Lead us in your truth, and teach us,

for you are the God of our salvation; for you we wait all day long.

We will wait for you, O God.

Your Spirit compels us to go into the wilderness,

and we ask for the courage to examine the desert places in our hearts,

and to be be willing to face the adversaries in our lives—

that which lures us away from being who you have created us to be.

We pray for the courage to face our wild beasts and fears.

Relieve the troubles of our hearts, and the devastation of our distress.

Turn your love towards us

that we may we know your grace in our loneliness and afflictions.

We pray this prayer, knowing that you watch over us,and deliver us.

We wait for you, O God.

In the name of our brother Jesus we pray, Amen.

~ excerpted from a longer prayer by Rev Karla. Posted on RevGalBlogPals.