Thought for the week of 16th January 2022

Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.  John 1 : 11

Reading for this week : John 2 : 1 - 11

Thought for the week

We are easily unsettled by change. If a bus stop is moved, or a favourite programme changes time, or the supermarkets move their groceries about, we can be thrown. Some may even have a sense of outrage.

At the wedding of Cana everything changed. Maybe Jesus had an idea about His first miracle, but here He was confronted by a situation of human need, and He responded. This was to be the pattern of His whole ministry, having to change course, yet always showing His love and compassion.

Jesus’ relationship with His disciples, and with Mary, changed. He had revealed His power within a deeply human situation, and ‘they believed in Him’.

Jesus also used the jars of water for purification rites. This was a deep change in terms of ritual and the new life Jesus is bringing.

Yet the deepest change is within us. In our attitudes and priorities. The work of the Holy Spirit that brings the fruit of the Spirit, so we become more loving, more joyful, more peaceful, (the list goes on!) Believing in Jesus brings change in our lives. When we are open to that change, the Kingdom is unstoppable.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

Epiphany at Cana, by Malcom Guite

Here’s an epiphany to have and hold,
A truth that you can taste upon the tongue,
No distant shrines and canopies of gold
Or ladders to be clambered rung by rung,
But here and now, amidst your daily living,
Where you can taste and touch and feel and see,
The spring of love, the fount of all forgiving,
Flows when you need it, rich, abundant, free.

Better than waters of some outer weeping,
That leave you still with all your hidden sin,
Here is a vintage richer for the keeping
That works its transformation from within.
‘What price?’ you ask me, as we raise the glass,
‘It cost our Saviour everything he has.’