Thought for the week of 5th December 2021

The crooked roads shall become straight,
the rough ways smooth.
And all people will see God’s salvation.’ Luke 3 : 6

Reading for this week : Luke 3 : 1 - 6

Thought for the week

Do you remember listening to the Home service on a crystal set?

I do, and it started a lifelong interest in radio. Of course it is now Radio 4 and available in multiple ways.

A favourite programme is “Today” and the “Thought for the day”. This week I heard a lady from Christian Aid who clearly was a Christian and she spoke about the need for hope in our lives and society. She was good and I waited for her to mention that Jesus was the Hope of us all.

Unfortunately she only got as far saying that the Resurrection gave us hope. Well, resurrection of whom I cried (metaphorically).

Lesson for me: always take an opportunity to name Jesus as our Hope.

Jesus is the Christ in Christmas after all!

Lord, please give us the right attitude and words to share the Christ in Christmas.


An Advent prayer

God of hope, who brought love into this world,
be the love that dwells between us.
God of hope, who brought peace into this world,
be the peace that dwells between us.
God of hope, who brought joy into this world,
be the joy that dwells between us.
God of hope, the rock we stand upon,
be the centre, the focus of our lives
always, and particularly this Advent time.
