Advent and Christmas at St Peter's

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Please see the list below of the services and events at St Peter's to celebrate Advent and Christmas 2021. a printable version of the list is also attached to this news item.

Sun 12th Dec 11.00am Morning Praise, with coffee

Sat 18th Dec 10.00am Decorating the church, with coffee and mince pies

Sun 19th Dec 10.00am – 3.00pm Nativity Display

Sun 19th Dec 7.00pm Livestream Carols (St Ed's Facebook page)

Mon 20th Dec 10.00am- 3.00pm Nativity Display

Tues 21st Dec 10.00am- 3.00pm Nativity Display

Wed 22nd Dec 10.00am-3.00pm Nativity Display

Christmas Eve  Ringland Carol Service : 6.30pm (with Taverham Band)

Christmas Day  Christmas Holy Communion : 11.00am

Further details : Rev Paul 01603 868217