Thought for the week of 4th July 2021

When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. “Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing?   Mark 6 : 2

Bible reading : Mark 6 : 1 - 13

Thought for the week

One of the enduring memories I have of the lockdown is the queue for the tip once it was opened. We spent a very happy afternoon loading the car and eventually being allowed in.

In our Gospel reading Jesus first experiences a lukewarm reception in His hometown, and then sends the disciples out warning them of the same, and telling them to move on to those who will hear and receive the Good News.

I wonder if we have learnt to live more simply after the pandemic? I wonder if we have shed anything personally that was holding us back from knowing true freedom in Jesus? Or maybe we need to give to Him anything that holds us back now in our relationship with HIm.

The disciples, “went out and preached that people should repent”.

This is the Good News. To live simply in the message of Jesus, that He offers us forgiveness and new life. To turn to Him each day, and decide to live in His strength and His love.

We are called to live simply in the pure truth of Jesus’ love for us. Everything else hinders and weighs us down. This is the message we have to proclaim. Jesus’ hope and new life for the whole world.

Rev Paul

Prayer for today

Almighty God,

send down upon your Church

the riches of your Spirit,

and kindle in all who minister the gospel

your countless gifts of grace;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen