Thought for the week of 5th January 2025

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”   Matthew 2 : 1 - 2

Readings this week Isaiah 60 : 1 - 6; Ephesians 3 : 1 - 12; Matthew 2 : 1 - 12

Thought for this week

Matthew the Gospel writer’s account of the visit of the Wise Men is full of amazing and wonderful things. Of cosmic signs of Jesus’ birth, truly lavish and rare gifts, holy dreams of warning, of a despot being incited to wrath by this new – born King, and perhaps most wonderful of all, the whole world waking to the significance of Jesus’ Coming, and the beginning of hope and salvation for the whole world.

In just twelve verses Old Testament prophecies (Psalm 72, Isaiah 60) of visitors bearing gifts are fulfilled. Yet the visit of the Magi also opens the way to the future. Of Jesus’ birth heralding the Kingdom, where true treasure is found, and where the new things (Isaiah 43: 19) are beginning.

The Wise Men leave, but they are not gone from the story, because we are now part of their story, the rich unfolding of the Lord’s mercy and grace through faith in Jesus across the world today. Through the visit of the Wise Men the Lord opens the way to the future of the Kingdom of Jesus. Of worship to Him, and of us men, women and children of all backgrounds and races offering the Lord all that we have, so that His Kingdom can grow in us and through us. This is Jesus’ Kingdom growing today.

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

O God, who by the leading of a star manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: mercifully grant that we, who know you now by faith, may at last behold your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, Amen.

Creator of the heavens, who led the Magi by a star to worship the Christ-child: guide and sustain us, that we may find our journey’s end in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

People to pray for

For the worldwide church

For all those in places of learning

For all Christians in our neighbourhoods, workplaces and communities