Service list and notices for w/c 1st December 2024

The following services will be available via the St Ed's Facebook page or by attendance (as stated below).

Sunday 1st December 9:30am Mustard Tree– informal service for families and children. (at St Ed’s)

Sunday 1st December 11:15 am Holy Communion for Advent (at St Ed’s)

Sunday 1st December 4:00 pm Garden Church (at St Peter’s)

Monday 2nd December 9.00 am Year 5’s in church (at St Ed’s)

Monday 2nd December 5.00 pm Evening prayers (at St Ed’s)

Tuesday 3rd December 10:00 am til 12 noon Community Café with activities for tots (at St Ed’s),

Tuesday 3rd December 2:00 pm Nightingale Nursery (at St Ed’s

Tuesday 3rd December 6:00 pm Rspace (at St Ed’s)

Wednesday 4th December 10:30 am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)

Wednesday 4th December 5:00 pm Evening Prayer (at St Ed’s)

Thursday 5th December 8.30am Church caretaking team (at St Ed’s )

Thursday 5th December 7.00pm Compline with meditation (at St Ed’s and livestream)

Friday 6th December 9:00 am Year 6’s in church (at St Ed’s)

Friday 6th December 9:30 am to12.00 noon Arts and Craft Group , - bring anything – art or craft - you fancy doing and coffee and tea are provided. (at Trinity church)

Saturday 7th December Ringland village Christmas Fair

Also Sunday 8th December, At St Ed’s 8 am Holy Communion, 9:30 am Mustard Tree, 11:15 am Service of the word.

, Plus online 11:15am Informal Service.

Also in Ringland Village Hall 10:30 am Holy Communion

For on-line services, watch live if you are able --- or join later on 'catch up'.

Everyone welcome.


Ringland: future services/events for Ringland St Peter’s:

December 1st 4:00 pm Garden Church (at St Peter’s)

December 8th 10:30am Holy Communion (at Ringland Village Hall)

St Ed's Christmas Fair thank you to everyone who contributed and worked hard to make the Fair a success.

Garden Church at St Peter’s Ringland Sun 1st December 4.00pm An Informal All Age Gathering with firepits, lights, nibbles, drinks, worship with the Garden Folk Band and a warm welcome.

Tony Dryden’s service will be a thanksgiving celebration of Tony’s life on Saturday 14th December at St Ed’s at 1pm. Our prayers are with Jane and the family.

Bibles for Junior School we are buying Bibles for the Year 3’s who are coming to St Ed’s on 11th December. If you would like to donate for this there is an envelope in the vestry in St Eds.

Bereavement service at 3.00pm on Sunday 15th December. Please include the name of your loved one on the sheet at the back of church if you would like their name to be read out.

Christingle making will be from 12.30pm on Sunday 22nd December in St Ed's. We will also have soup. Please come along if you would like to. It is always a jolly time!