Thought for the week of 20th October

“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”    Mark 10 : 43 - 45

Readings this week : Isaiah 53 : 4 - end; Hebrews 5 : 1 - 10; Mark 10 : 35 - 45

Thought for this week

Our Gospel reading features regularly in our cycle of readings. James and John are asking for the best seats in heaven. It is a lesson in humility. How the path to glory for Jesus was also the path of suffering and unimaginable sacrifice. It is about learning the calling of service. Laying aside our desires. Knowing the Lord’s plans are so much bigger than our own.

Maybe this reading recurs so often because it is such an important lesson for us as disciples to learn. Humility. Trust. Obedience. Service.

There are many people in the world who are dedicated to serving others. Each time another tragic situation unfolds in the world, there are those on hand, usually in uniform, but not always, helping those in need, easing desperate situations where they can, offering calmness and support.

Jesus shows us the way of service. His was the ultimate act of service, His loving sacrifice on the Cross, to win us the offer of salvation and new life.

Our service may go unnoticed. It may seem so small. Yet through faith in Jesus our service can change lives, even in small ways change the world. 

Rev Paul

Prayer for Humility (inspired by Mark 10:35-45)

Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant. (Mark 10:43)

God with us, When we privilege our own agendas, hurt others in the effort to impose our will, or chain ourselves to our fears, tumble us off the throne of our pride, and release us into finding our worth in your love.

Lord have mercy on us

Lord Jesus Christ, you know us, you love us, you free us, then call us to follow you and we bless you. Your mercy meets us in our confusion; may your spirit meet us in our everyday living.

posted on the Monthly Prayers page of the Christian Aid website

People to pray for

Aid agencies serving in the Middle East

Those who serve us each day in our community