Thought for the week of 23rd June

He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”   Mark 4 : 40 - 41

Readings this week :  Job 38 : 1 - 11; 2 Corinthians 6 : 1 - 13; Mark 4 : 35 - 41

Thought for this week

Our Gospel reading begins with a sense of weariness. Jesus has been teaching all day, there is a ‘great crowd’, bringing many needs. It is evening, and Jesus retires to a boat for some rest.

Maybe we’re reminded of the first days of creation, when the Father needed to rest on the seventh day. Even the Lord Himself takes rest seriously!

So many people recently have commented how weary they are. How difficult everything in life has become. We are post – pandemic, with so many changes. In everything there seems a weariness as everything is harder work and goals are more difficult to achieve.

Yet we are drawn to our Saviour who lies in a boat on a cushion. It must have been restful initially with the movement of the water, until He is woken to deal with the storm.

Jesus knows how draining our human lives can become. Jesus’ words to the wind and waves apply as much to us in our striving, our ambitions and plans, our weariness : “Peace. Be still!”.

Jesus who calms the storm, calls us to trust Him. To know His power. To believe in Him. As the disciples ask, “Who is this?”

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

To leave the safe sheltered quay; to rest while strong men fear; to doze through a storm at sea: who is this Jesus?

To display the might of the meek; to sleep while threats are near; to dream while fierce gales peak: who is this Jesus?

To know what keeps you afloat; to let another hand steer; to be safe in a foundering boat: who is this Jesus?

To see when there’s no light; to trust when nothing’s clear; to confront the powers of night: who is this Jesus?

To speak the word that saves; to know God is even here; to command the wind and the waves: who is this Jesus?

— Copyright Ó B D Prewer 2000. Posted on

People to pray for

Those at sea

The Mission to Seafarers