Thought for the week of 9th June

A crowd was sitting around Jesus, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you.” Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers!  Mark 3 : 32; 34

Readings this week :  Genesis 3 : 8 - 15; 2 Corinthians 4 : 13 – 5 : 1; Mark 3 : 20 - 34

Thought for this week

Jesus laid aside many things in His ministry. His rightful place in heaven to come to earth and be amongst us who are so frail and needing in faith. He put aside the peace of heaven to be baptised and tested, questioned and even humiliated. He took off His outer robe to wash His disciples’ feet in humility, and even gave up His life on the Cross for our forgiveness and the invitation to salvation and New Life.

In our reading early in Mark’s Gospel Jesus lays aside His earthly family, His mother and brothers, to take up the family of faith, or all those who willingly turn to Jesus and believe in Him. This also means His mother and very likely His brothers and His sisters!

Each time Jesus lays something aside, we as human beings, gain so much. To be able to know the Lord for ourselves. To know we have a Friend, and Saviour, our true King, in Jesus. To know the truth of Jesus’ love for us. To know we belong to a new family of believers across the world when we believe.

One of the amazing features of Alpha is the way it builds us as a community and as the family of faith in Jesus. Let us celebrate that we belong to one another, and that through faith Jesus has gathered us to Himself. 

Rev Paul

Prayer for this week

(based on Psalm 145:15-16, Isaiah 55:1-3, John 6:35)

Lord, the eyes of all look to You in hope; and You give them what they need. You open Your hand and satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing. We, too, turn to You again, longing to be filled—

to eat of the Bread of Life,

to drink from Your life-giving streams,

to taste Your goodness and live.

May the time we spend together in Your presence nourish our hearts and minds; may it strengthen our relationship with You, and renew our commitment to live in this world as Your faithful disciples. For You alone are God, the Source and Sustainer of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

People to pray for

Our Alpha course

Gary and Luke rethatching St Ed's

Our church finances at this time