Thought for the week of 10th December 2023

“I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way”— “a voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.   Mark 1 : 2 - 3

Readings this week :  Isaiah 40 : 1 - 11, 2 Peter 3 : 8 – 15a, Mark 1 : 1 – 8

Thought for this week

No doubt your preparations are well under way this year. Have you braved the shops? Maybe you have made plans for the celebration ? Today we think about the prophets. How they told of the promise of Jesus to come, looking ahead to His coming.

Today more than ever the prophets’ message is about the path we have made for ourselves, It is hard to look at the news these days. It is hard to think about the state of the world and those who suffer. What have we come to?

Yet Jesus was born into all of this, because He loves us.

Advent shows us the deeper things are of huge importance today. The call of John in the wilderness to be revived. To expect Jesus in our daily lives. To look hopefully for His coming now and in the future. The prophets were raised by the Father to point us back to the Lord’s ways. His heart for the world.

We are called to hear the prophets’ cry. To look to the greater things. To know this world is not all that there is.

Today we light candles for peace. Peace that comes in our lives, through us, often in small ways. Can we be makers of God’s peace today?

Rev Paul

People to pray for :

For those seeking the Lord’s peace at this time

For our churches preparing for the celebration of Christmas

Prayers this week

“Prepare the way of the Lord!

Make a straight road for him!”  Matthew 3:3

Holy and loving God, we have dwelt in darkness and preferred it to the light;

we have been proud of our accomplishments and despaired over our shortcomings.

Smooth down the mountains of our pride, and lift up the valleys of our doubts.

Open a path in the wilderness of our lives

that we might find our way to you again.

Refine us and prepare us once again for life in your kingdom.

Hear our prayer, O Lord. Amen.

~ from First Sunday of Advent Prayers and Litanies, posted on the Ministry Matters website.