Service list and notices for w/c 22nd October 2023

Worship_for_Sunday_22nd_October_2023_20_after_Trinity_11_15_online_ser_hJ4xTTa.pdf Download

The following services will be available via the St Ed's Facebook page or by attendance (as stated below).

Sunday 22nd October 8:00am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)

Sunday 22nd October 9:30am Mustard Tree Church– informal service for families and children. (at St Ed’s)

Sunday 22nd October 11:15 am Service of the word (at St Ed’s)

Sunday 22nd October 11:15 am Online Sunday service (livestream)

Sunday 22nd October 2:00 pm Baptism (at St Ed’s)

Monday 23rd October 5.00 pm Monday prayers (at St Ed’s)

Tuesday 24th October 10:00 am Tiny Tunes (music for all young people) (at St Ed’s), refreshments10am til12 noon

Wednesday 25th October 10:30 am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)

Wednesday 25th October 12 noon to 3.00 pm Shoebox making (at St Ed’s)

Wednesday 25th October 4.00 pm Building project smeting (at St Ed’s)

Wednesday 25th October 7.30 pm Alpha Bible Study (at St Ed’s)

Thursday 26th October 8.30am Church caretaking team (at St Ed’s )

Thursday 26th October 7.00pm Reflection with Compline (at St Ed’s and livestream)

Friday 27th October 9:30 am to12.00 noon Arts and Craft Group , - bring anything – art or craft - you fancy doing and coffee and tea are provided cost £1. (at Trinity church)

Also Sunday 29th October, At St Ed’s Shoebox Sunday 8am Holy Communion, 9:30 am Mustard Tree Church,11:15 am Service of the word. Plus online 11:15am Informal Service.

Additionally at 8am daily (except Sunday) we will be posting a ‘Daily bitesize prayer’ on the St Ed's Facebook page.

For on-line services, watch live if you are able --- or join later on 'catch up'.

Everyone welcome.


Ringland: future services/events at St Peter’s:

12th November 10:30 am Remembrance Service

10th December 10:30 am Holy Communion

Christmas Eve 6:30 pm Carol Service

Shoeboxes Our Shoebox Sunday will be 29th October. Leaflets are now in church. We will be having a time in church on Wednesday 25th October to make shoeboxes together, from 12.00pm until 3.00pm. Everyone is welcome to come and help!

There will be an additional 8.00am service on 29th October as it is a fifth Sunday. The 11.15am service will be a Service of the Word

Gaza and Israel Crisis Bishop Graham has launched an appeal for the al – Ahli Hospital in Gaza which he visited a few days before it was tragically hit by a missile. To give for the appeal, please follow this link

St Martin's Housing Trust. Donations for Christmas presents for residents would be gratefully received. Toiletries please, in particular shampoo, shower gel, roll on deodorants and new flannels. Mainly for men. And unwrapped. They'd like them by the end of November. There will be a labelled box at the back of St Eds. Very many thanks. Ann Scarff

Cursillo forthcoming Norwich Cursillo, which runs from 23rd to 25th November. It's held at The Pleasance, at Overstrand, and the cost for the three days is only £50. Leaflets are in St Eds.