Thought for the week of 6th August 2023

“Everyone ate and had enough. Then the disciples took up twelve baskets full of what was left over. The number of men who ate was about five thousand, not counting the women and children”.   Matthew 14 : 20 – 21

This week’s Gospel reading: Matthew 14 : 13 - 21

Thought for the week

Today we are looking at the miraculous feeding of the five thousand. How do you read it? Is it really miraculous or an exaggeration? Should we read it literally or symbolically? Does our reading of it heighten the miracle or lessen it?

The whole passage is laden with miracles. That Jesus fed so many with so little is a miracle. That someone was prepared to share the little they had is a miracle. That there was so much left over is a miracle.

That the disciples joined in with what Jesus was doing is a miracle. That people’s needs both physically and spiritually were met as they ate bread and fish as they heard Jesus teach and heal is a miracle.

Miracles are sometimes extraordinary and sometimes miracles occur slap bang in the ordinary.

The alternative reading for today is of Jesus’ Transfiguration. The disciples bringing their ordinariness to encounter Jesus’ power and light.

May we have eyes and ears and hearts open to the miraculous in the extraordinary and the ordinary. Rachel

Prayers for this week

Lord God, your Son left the riches of heavenand became poor for our sake:

when we prosper save us from pride,

when we are needy save us from despair, that we may trust in you alone;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the Transfiguration

Father in heaven,

Whose Son Jesus Christ was wonderfully transfigured before chosen witnesses upon the holy mountain,

And spoke of the exodus he would accomplish at Jerusalem:

Give us strength so to hear his voice and bear our cross

That in the world to come We may see him as He is

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God now and for ever. Amen.

People to pray for :

For all those experiencing difficult health issues and changes at the moment

For those being baptised this week

For those on holiday – for rest, safety, and for their journeys