Thought for the week of 16th July 2023

But as for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.’    Matthew 13 : 23

This week’s reading: Matthew 13 : 1 – 9, 18 - 23

Thought for the week

Everyone likes a good story; a story that engages the imagination and makes you think. We may read a cracking good book or watch an amazing film, love it so much that we read or watch several times. As we become familiar with a text or film it’s easy to switch off or discard completely.

The parable of the sower is one such example.

God always invites us into scripture, to hear, see and experience the Living Word. Perhaps we could try reading these familiar passages in some different ways. Reading aloud; reading slowly several times, being open to a particular word or phrase and what God might be saying to us through it. We might try placing ourselves imaginatively into the passage - what might it have been like hearing for the first time?

There are a wealth of good online resources available to study and reflect more deeply if you want to know more about the context and culture of Jesus’ time.

Let’s be open to the power of the words of Jesus in our lives and the invitation He offers to follow him each day.


Prayers for this week

O Lord, save us from hardness of heart, where your word cannot take root.

O Lord, save us from shallowness of mind, where your word withers away.

O Lord, save us from the deceitfulness of riches, where your word is choked by everyday cares.

But Lord, grant that our hearts may be fertile soil, where your word flourishes and yields a harvest,

bringing salvation to ourselves and those about us. Amen.

~ written by the Staffordshire Seven, in Seasonal Worship from the Countryside. Posted on the

Things to pray for

For Teachers, school staff and children at the end of term

For those coming to be married at this time

For those suffering bereavement at this time