Thought for the week of 9th July 2023

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”   Matthew 11 : 28 - 30

This week’s Gospel reading: Matthew 11 : 16 – 19, 25 - 30

Thought for the week

At St Ed’s we have always highlighted our ministry to children, with Messy church, Sunday Club and Mustard Tree Church. But I wonder if we have always realised the children’s ministry to us, as adults. All they have to teach us about being disciples of Jesus? All they have to teach us about trust, integrity, and faith in who the Lord is. And of His love, because I believe children see the difference His love makes.

We know from the Bible children have a very special place in Jesus’ heart. In our Gospel reading Jesus speaks of how much the Father has already revealed to children, who perceive without prejudice, without the baggage of responsibility, and pre – conceptions.

Jesus welcomed the children to Him, not because they were vulnerable or in need, but because they are wise, and open to the Father’s heart of truth and love. They are open to all the Father is, and all He longs to give us.

If we have children in our life, let us treasure them, and help them to express their faith. Children so often show us the way to the Father’s heart. Children are open, trusting, and know what is most important. Let us help them to meet with Jesus, know Him and grow in His love.

Rev Paul

Prayers for this week

In times of weakness and hour of need, yours is the strength by which we carry on, the shoulder we rest our head upon.
When our load is heavy and too much to bear, yours are the arms stretched out to help us the grace that we depend on.
In times of weakness and hour of need, your voice is heard,

‘Come… find rest.’
This is grace divine,
the path we tread to wholeness of body and spirit,
the path that leads to you,
and for which we offer our offering of praise.

written by John Birch, and posted on Faith and Worship.

Things to pray for

For our ministry amongst children, and all they have to teach us.

For those who are vulnerable in our society, and those who need help

For those recently baptised, or looking to life – changing events