Thought for the week of 18th June 2023

Jesus went through all the towns and villages. When he saw the crowds, he felt deep concern for them. They were like sheep without a shepherd. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is huge. But there are only a few workers. So ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers out into his harvest field.”  Matthew 9 : 35; 37 - 38

This week’s Gospel reading: Matthew 9 : 35 – 10.23

Thought for the week

This week is Norwich refugee Week, an opportunity to think of those who have been forced to make difficult journeys, and whose lives have become ones of uncertainty and constant movement, even in our own city.

In our Gospel reading Jesus is also moving from place to place, speaking of the Kingdom and the Good News, and drawing disciples to Him.

It is the love of our heavenly Father who sent Jesus into our broken and hurting world, the bringer of Good News, of healing, forgiveness and peace.

As Jesus gathers His disciples, He hands the mission and ministry to us. To proclaim Jesus as Saviour and Lord, to be His workers amongst the harvest, to bring His healing and hope to those who are ‘like sheep without a shepherd’.

This Father’s Day we celebrate the Father’s love in our world through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. The love that calls us to respond, to know the Father’s love in our own lives, and then to become the bringers of life in Jesus’ name to a world that is so hurting and uncertain. We celebrate that we have this hope and new life in Him.

Rev Paul

Affirmation of Faith

I believe in a God who created all things and seeks for all to be in communion as God’s people.

I believe in Jesus Christ who showed us how to share love, and who commissioned us to go out into the highways and byways, inviting all to be a part of God’s work in the world.

I believe in the Holy Spirit who leads and guides us into the world, then touches the lives of those around us in ways that make them receptive to love.

I believe in the harvest and the call for laborers to receive and respond, sharing light and life with the world. Amen.

~ submitted by Tim Tate, Lead Pastor, Warrenton UMC. Posted on

Things to pray for

Those for whom Father’s Day is difficult

For all those taking exams at this time

For refugees and asylum seekers in our city